• Supervisory Board
  • Risk management
  • Insider administration
  • Audit
  • Internal audit
  • Remuneration
  • VR City Traffic
  • Properties
  • Conductor
  • For the investor
  • Interaction and incentives in the work community

    Praise for supervisory work

    During the last few years, VR Group has been developing supervisory work by updating supervisory structures and by focusing on the recruitment and training of supervisors. The success of supervisors in their work is assessed annually in connection with the personnel survey.

    The reviews for supervisory work have improved tremendously during the last 10 years, as well as the perceptions on how the employer is investing in the maintenance of well-being in the workplace. We can be very happy with these personnel survey results, as they are also closely linked with the daily life of our personnel. The Group’ supervisor index stood at 3.72, which was slightly higher than in 2014 (3.64).

    According to personnel, supervisors provide feedback and encourage collaborations, communicate about matters and changes that are related to work and also tackle problems better than before.

    The coverage of performance reviews is 80 per cent for women and 81 per cent for men.

    The implementation of the model for good supervisory work that was launched in 2014 continued in 2015. In addition, various coaching themes are offered, including interaction coaching for supervisors.

    Tools for interaction

    Verstas, the Group intranet, received a new technical platform and new features at the end of 2014. During 2015, Verstas has become a part of the personnel’s daily operations, as well as the Yammer enterprise social network and the online question and answer sessions for personnel, where the personnel can discuss current issues with the management.

    Most of the Group's personnel work on the go or in shifts, and they can be hard to reach. The new tools and applications have provided a tremendous amount of new possibilities for this.

    During the last three years, most of the personnel have been provided with smart phones and tablets as work equipment. With their help, personnel can receive work-related information and can participate in work-related discussions in a completely new way.

    The communication channels that are available for personnel:

    • The intranet
    • The discussion channel (Yammer)
    • Online question and answer sessions
    • Blogs, internal and external

    Ideat kehiin (Give your ideas), the idea channel for all personnel

    Ideat kehiin (Give your ideas) is a digital idea channel that is meant for all personnel and where everyone can participate in the development of their own workplace and the whole Group. The idea channel also welcomes opinions, feedback, problems and best practices. The Ideat kehiin application also processes employee inventions and innovations. These ideas are also developed together with the Finnish Transport Agency and HSL. With good teamwork and joint development, we can create improvements for our processes and services that will benefit customers.

    In addition, new service concepts are regularly tested with personnel and members of Veturi, VR’s loyalty programme. For example, in the autumn of 2015 we tested the new ticket vending machine prototype and at the end of 2015 our customers also had the chance to try the new timetable search.

    The Innokampus cooperation project

    At the end of 2015, passenger services and Innokampus Oy began a year-long collaboration together with Finnish youths with the goal of finding new ideas, ways and methods for developing the train services of the future. This collaboration assesses the development of train services especially from the viewpoint of young people and ponders how trains could become the number one transport choice for young people.

    TET 2.0

    In 2015, the TET 2.0 (Familiarisation with working life 2.0) period was arranged together with Aalto University, where Finnish upper secondary school students thought about passenger traffic services from the viewpoint of young people. During the week, these young people designed an Instagram competition with the theme #IloinenMatka (#HappyJourney) and the Smile campaign for customer services.

    Good behaviour in VR Group workplaces

    VR Group’s workplaces do not accept improper treatment, harassment or work discrimination. To prevent improper treatment, workplaces were provided with the “Rules for good behaviour” that was published in the autumn of 2015. Cooperation is based on mutual respect, openness, honesty and trust, as well as good behaviour. To promote good behaviour and prevent problem situations, the harmony builder coaching was developed to train supervisors and occupational health and safety representatives in maintaining harmony in the work communities. Those that participate in the coaching will form a network to ensure good behaviour and prevent problem situations.

    Diversity Charter

    In September, VR Group signed the Diversity Charter of FIBS Corporate Responsibility Network and joined in the activities of the Diversity Charter Network. With this commitment, VR Group has promised to develop its leadership and service practices.

    The four principles of the Diversity Charter are:

    • We offer equal opportunities.

    • We recognise and utilise individual know-how and needs.

    • We manage our staff and customers with fairness.

    • We communicate our goals and achievements.

    Support during changes

    Personnel that are affected by changes are supported by VR Group with the expanded change security model. The Board of Directors annually approves the principles for the expanded change security model.

    Persons who are given notice due to reasons of production or financial reasons have had the chance to participate in either the expanded job-seeking training or, when necessary, a separately customised job-seeking training. In addition, extensive information has been collected from personnel with interviews for relocation purposes. In accordance with the change security model, expanded occupational healthcare services are also available. As an alternative to being given notice, the person can also choose a severance package.

    The change security model information events have gone through the change security process and matters related to ending employment relationships. In addition, the HR service channel has supported those who are in a change situation and has provided people with the support they need in a centralised manner throughout the process.

    Supervisors and work communities have been provided with customised training events for the management of change situations.


    The goal of VR Group’s incentive schemes is to encourage individuals and groups to act in a unified way for the strategic objectives of the whole Group. The incentives are connected to the objectives that are derived from the action plans. Their focus is on customer orientation and introducing change with the help of high-quality management and development projects that renew operations and promote productivity. The VR Group Board of Directors decides annually on the principles and structure of the incentive schemes.

    Compensation in VR Corporation
    Basic salary
    Pay systems in the collective agreement
    Contractual salary
    Extra compensation
    Personnel tickets
    Gym and holiday benefits
    Occupational healthcare
    Bonus payment
    Personnel fund
    Bonus system for supervisors and experts
    Bonus system for management
    Special bonus
    Performance bonus
    Compensation based on years in service
    Initiative bonus
    Recreational days
    Chances for development
    Workplace learning
    Vocational education
    Talent management
    Tulevaisuuden tekijät –training
    Training for key employees and management
    Supervisors training
    Responsible employer
    Environmental initiatives
    Acting according to values
    Quality of leadership
    Tools and conditions
    Work-life balance
    Culture of continuous improvement
    Chance for participation and influence
    Fluent information flow
    Internal and external positive employer image